
instead of social media updates, i keep a now page inspired by derek kedziora.

i’m trying to read as much as possible at weekends. however, this one was different. i was re-reading the ‘bir ömür nasıl yaşanır ?’, ‘insan geleceğini nasıl kurar ?’, and ‘bunu herkes bilir: tarihteki yanlış sorulara doğru cevaplar’. my wife asked me why i was reading the same books again and again, which was the 3rd time that i was reading them. by the way, while i say re-reading, i mean i’m taking a look to my notes about the book and, i’m reading couple parts that i interested in. which is a way different approach to reading a book from cover to cover.

i like to rethink some valuable ideas. in my opinion, books are the best places to see the purist form of it. books are carefully examined before reaching to us. they have enough space to put your ideas as detailed as it’s needed. long in short, it’s the correct medium to look to when it’s come to ideas that worth think about it.

so, i’d like to reserve to question to you dear reader ? why, we are not re-reading our books ? did they already become yet another consumer product of this glorious age of consumerism ?

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